
Breastfeeding Info

Why breastfeed?

- Optimal health for mom and baby.
- No financial costs (industrial milk = between $ 100 and $ 300 per month);
- By ecological gesture (breast milk is a natural resource.
- Compensates for the immaturity of the immune system;
- Baby is sick less often;
- No risk of contamination;
- Mom has a return to menstruation later;
- Privileged moments with your child!

Did you know?

“The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends starting to breastfeed infants within one hour of birth, continuing to exclusively breastfeed for 6 months and timely introduction of adequate complementary foods, safe and properly dispensed while continuing to breastfeed until 2 years of age or older. "

World health organisation logo

The Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms recognizes that everyone has the right to breastfeed their child in a public place, without discrimination, and every child has the right to be breastfed.

Resources for mothers


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